Announcement regarding the recent migration.

Little Rabbit
1 min readOct 29, 2022


Hello #littlerabbitfam

For migrating between v1 to v2, we have did migration a total of 3 times till now. We have did the 3rd migration recently even after saying the 2nd one was final cause many members have dmed us the same.

And now the migration is closed and we are working on the sending the 2nd batch of tokens to users whose tokens are stuck in staking pools and received less tokens ( only if they have filled the form on 20th ).
If you are in this batch, wait for the 2nd batch.

and Don’t keep asking us why you received less tokens. Read the ratio! the supply of v2 is reduced by 100 m , so are the tokens.
Don’t expect us millions of dollars worth tokens for your 100$ worth tokens. We have sent tokens based on your tokens only and the present ratio! Stop fudding and read the pinned messages.

If you have filled the form correctly, you would receive it. Even the reasons for not getting the tokens are announced in a sheet in the previous announcement. Check it!

We have clearly highlighted the rules in the form. You should have read it and must have read it! Learn to read completely before proceeding .

